"Letter: Lafayette McLaws to Isaac R. Pennypacker, March 27, 1886" by Lafayette McLaws



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Savannah Georgia

March 27, 1886

Isaac R Pennypacker

Editor Weekly Press

Phil Pa

Dear Sir

Your letter of 29 th inst[?] acknowledging the receipt of manuscript and map (a copy of my address before Ga Historical Society was also enclosed) was received a few moments since.

I thank you for your frank comments on my composition, and agree with you that the paragraph relating to the testimony of Genl Sickles should not be included, and therefore, by that you will erase the whole of it. Commencing“Gen Sickles tasteful” and ending “As he had been but a short time previous assigned to command” - as quoted in your letter - Since forwarding the article, I have regretted that I had written Sickles “opinion” as part of it, and am glad that your discriminating good taste and frankness, has given me the opportunity of correcting my error.

The Confederate Congressman from whom I obtained Ex President Jefferson Davis’ opinions of Gen Meade was [sic] Col R R Bridges, who was at the time and may be now, president - I think - perhaps superintendent of his “Coast Line R. Road,” Wilmington and Weldon N.C.. I can have no objection to your inserting the paragraph as a foot note, as you intimate.

Which writing of Gen. Meade, allow me to suggest, that, it would be a valued contribution to the history of the times, if Gen Meades son, would give an “inside” account of Gen Meades “administration” in Georgia especially, so much of it, or relates to the trial of the “Columbus Prisoners,” and the agreement entered into with ex Gov Joseph E Brown, now senator from Georgia, whereby he Gov B. becomes the Prosecuting attorney, receiving therefore, ten thousand dollars, Gov. B. published a pamphlet giving his version of transaction, but not until after the death of Gen.M, if Col Meade has never seen a copy of the “pamphlet” alluded to of Gov B, I will if he so desires try and find one for him.

Very respectfully

L McLaws

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Chatham County




United States

Creator Life Dates



Lafayette McLaws, Jefferson Davis

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Cultural History | Military History | Political History | Social History | United States History

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Letter: Lafayette McLaws to Isaac R. Pennypacker, March 27, 1886
