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This item contains on one leaf: a letter from W.E. Johnson to H.W. Conner & Co., September 28, 1864 and the reply, from H.W. Conner (Co.) to W.E. Johnson, November 2, 1864.
Prisoners Camp Morris Island Sept 28th 1864
Mess H W Conner + Co
Charleston SC
Yours of 17 inst enclosing fifty dollars ($50.00) in U. S. Currency was received today. I will be oblidged to you to procure fifty or one hundred dollars more if possible + send it to me. I send by Lt Masten a very small package containing a which I prise very highly + will be oblidged to you to send to my Father by express or the first sure conveyance[.]
I am much oblidged to you for your offer to serve me whilst here + will call upon you if my necessities require it Yours Very Respt
W E Johnson Jr
Lt. 7th S.C. Cavry
[in another hand:] Charleston Nov 2d 1864
Dear Sir
The above letter only reached us yesterday. We could not procure the funds to send your [ ?] by this Flag of Truce. Will send them by next
Yours respty
HW Conner Co
Creation Date
Morris Island (Charleston, Folly Beach)
Charleston County
South Carolina
United States
Creator Life Dates
W.E. Johnson, letter, soldier, Civil War, prisoner, prisoner-of-war
Date Digital
Document Type
American Studies | Military History | Other Rhetoric and Composition | Political History | Social History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Johnson, W. E., "Letter: W.E. Johnson to H.W. Conner & Co., September 28, 1864" (1864). W.E. Johnson Papers. 18.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

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American Studies Commons, Military History Commons, Other Rhetoric and Composition Commons, Political History Commons, Social History Commons, United States History Commons