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Fort Pulaski Dec 18th 1864
My dear Wife
I have not received a letter from in a very long time[.] They are not allowed to reach me for some reason + I think it must be that the sheets of paper upon which you write are too large, this is the right size[.] If this is the reason I suppose I will get another from you untill this reaches you + your reply, which will be a long time[.] Fathers of the 17 + 30th of Nov were received on the 11th inst. His seem to come regularly, the power of attorney did not come. I tryed to have one prepared here but was advised that it would not answer the purpose + would not be allowed to go through the lines[.] I haveng been hoping I would get home in time to attend to such matters, but feel quite sure now unless something has been done to obtain a special exchange for me that I will remain in this miserable condition for an indefinite period[.] all the sick + wounded have of this party of six hundred have been exchanged, together with about a doz or more officers who were so fortunate as to have friends within our lines who obtained specials exchanges for them, among them was my friend Capt Pinckney, who promised me he would write you imediately upon his arrival in Charleston + I hope has done so. Can nothing be done for me, the probability of my having to lie in prison for another six or twelve months adds much to my miserable condition. Think of the prospect ahead of me + try + induce some one to make an effort to have me released. I received a letter from Capt Hall in which he informed me that he had called to see you on the 11th Nov but that you were at Camden[.] I was very sorry as I knew he could give you all the information you want in regard to me[.] If any effort is to be made to obtain an exchange for me let it be done promptly as I think is quite probable we will be sent north unless exchanged
Your devoted Husband
W E Johnson Jr Lt 7 SSC
Creation Date
Fort Pulaski (Cockspur Island, near Savannah)
Chatham County
United States
Creator Life Dates
W.E. Johnson, letter, soldier, Civil War, prisoner, prisoner-of-war
Date Digital
Document Type
American Studies | Military History | Other Rhetoric and Composition | Political History | Social History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Johnson, W. E., "Letter: W.E. Johnson to Anne Johnson, December 18, 1864" (1864). W.E. Johnson Papers. 7.
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