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A letter from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney to Mr. Gerry. Pinckney states his excitment for Gerry's evening arrival. His wife, Mrs. Pinckney was disappointed upon learning that Mrs. Gerry would not be arriving as well. Paris, 02 October 1797.


Paris Octr. 2nd 1797 Dear Sr. Your favour from Brussells & the previous to it from Rotterdam arrived safe. I sympathize with you in the disagreeable inconveniences you have experienced on your journey; I trust they were not renewed after your quitting Brussells. I flatter myself that I shall have the pleasure of seeing you this evening or to dinner tomorrow at No: 1131 Rue de Grenll fontaine, faubourg St. germain - In case Mrs. Pinckney, Gen:l Marshall & myself should chance to be out at the time of your arrival, I beg leave to apprize you that the apartments Major Mountflorence appropriated for you are on the right hand of the vestibule or antechambre - after entering the Court yard; those of Gen:l Marshall are on the left. Mrs. Pinckney is much mortified that she finds she is not to have Mrs. Gerry’s company, a pleasure she flattered herself she should enjoy, when first we heard of your appointment; she is exceedingly sorry to hear of your indisposition, & she will be happy to pay every attention to alleviate it. Gen:l Marshall & myself desired a friend to intimate to the Minister of foreign affairs that we did not intend to officially notify to him our arrival ‘till you joined us, - this has been acquiesed in. With great regard & esteem I remain, Your sincere friend Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Mr. Gerry -

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Charles Cotesworth, Elbridge Gerry, Paris, Brussels, Rotterdam, Mountflorence, General Marshall, 1797, XYZ affair

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History | Social History


Wofford College

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800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Letter from Charles Cotesworth Pinckney to Elbridge Gerry; Paris, 1797.



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