"Letter from Jane Pierce, wife of Franklin Pierce, to her mother regard" by Jane Means Pierce



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Jane Pierce writes to her mother from Concord, New Hampshire, November 24, 1840. She notes the absence of Franklin Pierce from her home, the health, weight, and activities of infant Frank, domestic details regarding care for her home, and some social interactions.


[p1] Concord, Novr. 24th 1840 Two or three reasons have prevented me from writing to you dear Mother, and acknowledging the bundle, which came safely by the stage at the proper time -- and very well suited the parties concerned who were much obliged, and felt so. You mentioned in the little slip of paper that you would write in a day or two, and as I had written so recently I thought I would write -- then Mr. Pierce went away (and staid from Wednesday noon until last evening, Monday) and I had not his frank, and moreover sadly beset by the rheumatism -- which has troubled me more or less for two or three weeks -- but am better of it now than I was a day or two since -- and Mr. P has returned. I have heard nothing from you, and now I sit down to say so, and that I do hope to soon, for I begin to fear that some of you are sick -- but hope for a letter this evening. Mr. Pierce’s absence has been very tedious, and now that he has returned Probate Court happens, which occupies two days and he will have [page 2] no time to attend to which has been waiting for him so long of little matters of his own and mine -- I fear he will be hurried until the very last [?] he will not start until Thursday of next week unless I go with him, if so, we should go on Tuesday or Wednesday. We talked about [it] a little last night but I have many misgivings about leaving Franky with no on to look at him but Miss Pennel, who wishes me to go, and will I have no doubt, do all in her power for him. Mrs. B has two court [?] now and neither she or Mary [??] [?] offered any assistance, and I think are not at all disposed/ to at any rate, but if I am pretty well and Franky is / I do think I shall try hard to come and stay a week. Franky grows fat every day (faster than Mrs. P thinks is desirable, as she says) and nearly two weeks since weighed 20 pounds and has gained since a good deal. Miss Pennel is quite proud of his legs and arms and double chin -- his father gave him a short ride in a sleigh this morning -- with whcih he was highly delighted talking to all the dogs & horses he met. I do wish I could take him with me to see his dear little cousins -- Grandmother and all. Mr. P’s/ long absence weighs heavily at my heart and sometimes I do / feel that I cannot possibly bear to be separated from all / my friends, as I shall be. The legislature has been in session a week, and probably will be three or four weeks longer at least. The two members occupy the chamber you had dear Mother, the carpet being up, and my things removed. The house cleaning, talked about when you were here has not commenced yet and I have come to the conclusion that it is best not to be too particular. Mrs. Noys has a Miss Eastman with her from Amherst whom I saw on Saturday, and she told me a good deal about Amherst friends in answer to my many questions. She thinks it a little doubtful whether Maryland goes soon to Byfield, or waits until April. I think Mr. Adams will hardly be contented in the latter case, and it will be hard for Maryland. Mrs. Noys was quite ill for a few days with rheumatic fever, but soon recovered. Mr. N preached at home last Sabbath, and very admirably as I heard, but I was almost helpless on that day and much to my regret could not go out. Did I tell you that Mrs. Charles Hutchins and Mrs. French called to see you with me the day you left[?] Mrs H. said she was very sorry that it was not in her power to call before. Mrs. French I have not seen -- she is a sister of Mrs. Ezekiel Webster. Do let me hear from you soon my dearest Mother and sister as I shall be very anxious. Have the children all recovered from their colds? I hope for a letter from brother Robert soon. it is a good which since I have had one[?]. My friends must write to me often this winter. I know they will if they just think of my lonely condition -- Give much love to all dear ones around, and at Uncle Robert’s perhaps I shall see you soon -- [back to first page] Mr. Pierce would send much love were he here. Franky sends plenty of kisses -- he is very affectionate in his manners and strokes and kisses abundantly -- he walks by taking hold of one’s hands very well. Miss Pennel received a letter from her Mother last night -- she is still at Williamsburgh and I think MIss P feels herself well situated as she is -- she evidently does not pine -- Your own ever aff, Jane

Creation Date







New Hampshire


United States

Creator Life Dates



Jane Pierce, Franklin Pierce, Concord, New Hampshire, infant, Amherst

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Date Digital

April 2014

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Social History | United States History

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800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Letter from Jane Pierce, wife of Franklin Pierce, to her mother regarding family and social affairs. November 1840.



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