"Recognizance signed by Ezra Houghton and Josiah Wilder" by Ezra Houghton and Josiah Wilder



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Recognizance signed by Ezra Houghton saying that he will appear in court on a certain day, and until the court date, he is only allowed off his farm to go to church, 1776.


Be it Remembered that on that twenty eighth Day of May Anno Domini one Thousand seven hundred and seventy six, Ezra Houghton of Lancaster in county aforesaid Gentleman & Ephraim Carter in Town aforesaid Gentleman came before me Josiah Wilder one of the Justices of the Peace for said County, and acknowledged themselves to jointly & severally owe unto this Government and the People, the sum of Two hundred Pounds Lawful money, to be respectively made out of their several Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements, to the use of our said Government & People of this Colony if the Ezra shall fail in performing the Condition which in under written. - Acknowledged before me Josiah Wilder, Just. Peace The Condition of this Recognizance is such, that if the above mentioned Ezra Houghton shall personally appear at the next general Quarter Session of the Peace, to be holden in and for said county above mentioned to do and receive, what shall then and there be enjoyed him by the said Court, and in the mean time shall keep the Peace and be of good Behavior towards all Friends to the Rights and Privileges of America & likewise continuing in the meantime within the limmits of his home Farm in said Town, with only these Exceptions, viz. That he the sd. Ezra may go to the pubblick Worship within said Parish, where he hath of late been wont to dwell, & to go and appear at the next Quarter Session at Worcester. Then the said Recognirance shall be void and of none affect & otherwise to remain in full Force and Virtue. [signed] Ezra Houghton James Carter Ephraim Carter

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Creator Life Dates



Ezra Houghton, Josiah Wilder, recognizance, James Carter, Ephraim Carter, Worcester, Lancaster County, 1776

Resource Identifier


Date Digital

October 2013

Document Type



Wofford College

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En-us English

Digitization Specifications

800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adope Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

Recognizance signed by Ezra Houghton and Josiah Wilder



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