"An Inventory of the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of John McCe" by John Hart and David Stout



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Inventory of all the things that belonged to John McCery, which were appraised by John Hart and David Stout, 1767.


An inventory of the Goods and Chattles Rights and Credits of John McCery of Amwell as appeared to us whose Names are herewith subscribed appraised on the 9th Day of April 1767. To wearing apparell….5 pds=0=0; To a bed and firniture….5=0=0; To a Cobbert and Dresser.....2=0=0; To a Stove 1=15=0 to puter 16/ to books 15/....3=6=0; To a Cross Cut Saw 1=0=0 2 horses.....1=4=0; To a teapot tea kittle and tea ware and Earthen ware.... 0=18=0; To a looking glass 5/6 Chairs 6/.... 0=11=1; To Copeer ware 1=13=0 3 Iron pots and 2 tramels 1=0=0.......2=13=0; To a pare of Hand pans a frying pan & pare of tongs 0=10=1; To a gun 1=0=0 beatle Rings 2 wedges & plow 5/ 1=5=0; To a bake pan 1/6 a neck yoke 3 Clevires & Collar 6/ 0=7=6; To a Spinning Wheel 12/3 barrels & 5/....0=17=0; To 2 smoking irons and pare of.....0=5=0; To A Chest 5/ a &barrell 3/ & iron... 0=12=0; To Smoked meats at 1=6=0 2 tables & knives & forks 1=10=0; To 15 Geese at 1/6 flaxe seed & flaze....1=12=6; To a waggon 3=0=0 a horse 5=0=0; To hay in barracks 1=5=0 pitch forks 3.....1=8=0; To a black cow and bell.....4=0=0; to a pide cow 3=0=0 a heffer 2=10=0....5=10=0; To 2 pide stears 3=10=0 4 years old & 2 calves 10=0=0; To a plow & Cleviers 16/3 hives of bees 1=10=0 2=6=0; To Indian Corne 4/ a grind stone 1/ ..... 0=5=0; To harrow teeth 12/9 shoats 2=5=0.....2=17=0; To wheat in the ground....10=0=0; To a mare and Saddle.....8=0=0; [total] 79=17=0. [signed] John Hart and David Hart. [verso] John Hart one of the Appraisers of the within Inventory being duly Sworn did Depose that the goods Chattles & Credits in the sd. Inventory set down & Specifyed were by him appraised according to their just & true Respective Rates & values after the best of his Judgmt & understanding & that David Hart the other appraiser & whose name is within sobscribed was present at the same time & Consented in all things in the doing thereof & that they appraised all things that were brought to their view for appraisement. [signed] John Hart. Sworn April 21, 1767 Before me Joseph Smith Surrog. Andrew McCery of the goods Chattles Rights & Credits of the within named John McCery being duly Sworn did depose that the within contains a true report of all singular the goods Chattles & Credits of the said so far as have come to his knowledge & possession or view of to the Possession of any other person or persons for his use - Andrew McCery. Sworn as above Before me Joseph Smith Surrog.

Creation Date






Creator Life Dates



John Hart, David Stout, John McCery, inventory, goods and chattles, Andrew McCery, 1767

Resource Identifier


Date Digital

October 2013

Document Type



Wofford College

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En-us English

Digitization Specifications

800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adope Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

An Inventory of the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits of John McCery of Amwell



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