"Letter: W.E. Johnson to Anne Johnson, October 26, 1864" by W. E. Johnson



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Fort Pulaski Oct 26th 1864

My dear Wife

I had the great pleasure yesterday of receiving 4 letters from you[:] August 6th from M.D.37[,] Sept 28, Oct 2nd + 8th[.] We were removed from under fire a few days ago since + placed in case mates in this Ft. This is about as good a prison as any I have been in. I find the thick brick walls cold before day but it is warm enough the rest of the time. We were exposed to very dangerous fire the last 2 days we were in the “Pen.” A very large shell fell within a few feet of our fence but fortunately busted near the ground + peices several times struck in [ ?]. I received a letter from Col Embree Pine Bluff [Aik?]38 giving a very favourable acct of [Tidwell?] says he is in Bowie Co Texas [renting?] 400 acres fine land, left about 20 negroes on the place who are near Pine Bluff, Morrell is with him. Will enclose the letter to Father. I have strong hopes of being exchanged soon may be mistaking + if so will have to draw again largely upon my stock of patience. I have not received a box from you yet it would be most welcome as I have been very “hard up” for food lately. I am sorry to hear Robert is wounded hope it is not serious. You must be governed by the prospect of exchange in sending me things. I think the yellow fever has returned the boy hope to get it soon. May God bless you

Your devoted Husband W E Johnson

Creation Date



Fort Pulaski (Cockspur Island, near Savannah)


Chatham County




United States

Creator Life Dates



W.E. Johnson, letter, soldier, Civil War, prisoner, prisoner-of-war

Date Digital


Document Type



American Studies | Military History | Other Rhetoric and Composition | Political History | Social History | United States History

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Letter: W.E. Johnson to Anne Johnson, October 26, 1864
