"Letter: W.E. Johnson to Anne Johnson, September 21, 1864" by W. E. Johnson


W. E. Johnson



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Prisoners CampMorris Island Sept 21st 1864

My dear Wife

Yours of Sept 11th was received on the 19th. You can well imagine my joy upon getting it. Write often + on one page of foolscap paper + close [.] Tell me the casualties in my co + regt. I am very well but having a hard time of it. We are fed upon rations that are said to be the same the Federal Officers in Charleston get + so much are of a very inferior quality + of insufficient quantity. I am hungry all the time particularly at night, but can stand it very well[.] Send me boxes of food at regular intervals + send me in the next my black overcoat or any other good one except my military one, one good blanket, my tack hammer, 1 flat file [,] 1 half round file, 1 hand saw file + 2 of my smallest files + my plyers + small hand vice[.] Make every effort to send me money, I have received none yet but hope to get some by next Flag of Truce. I am bearing this imprisonment in the proper spirit + would like to express myself more fully to you but think it best to say but little[.] You can write as fully as you please + I hope will do so Your Devoted Husband

W E Johnson 7th S S Cav

Has any thing been heard of [T?J?] L Boykin[?]

Creation Date



Morris Island (Charleston, Folly Beach)


Charleston County


South Carolina


United States

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W.E. Johnson, letter, soldier, Civil War, prisoner, prisoner-of-war

Date Digital


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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Letter: W.E. Johnson to Anne Johnson, September 21, 1864
