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This deed or receipt acknowledges the exchange of $800 for seven slaves: Betsy Baker, 55; Nelly, 36 and her son Jim, 12 and daughter Jane, 7; Henney, 40, and her son Washington, 5; and Polly Quander, 21.
Know all Men I William ONeale of the City of Washington for and in consideration of Eight hundred Dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have & by these present doth bargain sell and convey to John Henry Eaton of Nashville State of Tennessee the following negroes to wit. a woman commanly called Betsy Baker aged about fifty five years - Nelly aged thirty six and her son Jim about twelve years, and her daughter Jane about seven years old; also Henney aged forty and her son Washington five years of age; also a negro girl named Polly Quander aged twenty one; to have & hold the said negroes to the said John H Eaton his heirs & assigns forever. in wishes whereof I have hereto set my hand seal and caused said negroes to be delivered &c
10th day of April 1823
Thos. Simms
Jno. Hensham
Wm O Neale
Received 28th April 1823 to be recorded and the same day was recorded in Liber (W.B. No. 9 folio 48 one of the Land records for Washington County in the District of Columbia and Examined By Wm Brent Clk
Creation Date
Washington, D.C.
United States
William O'Neale, John Henry Eaton, Betsy Baker, Nelly, Jim, Jane, Henney, Washington, Polly Quander, slavery, slaves, slave sale, receipt, deed
Resource Identifier
Date Digital
Document Type
African History | Cultural History | History | History of Gender | Labor History | Legal | Political History | Social History | United States History | Women's History
Wofford College
Recommended Citation
O'Neale, William and Eaton, John Henry, "Deed of sale for Seven People (as slaves) sold by William O'Neale to John Henry Eaton, Washington, D.C., April 10, 1823." (1823). Broadus R. Littlejohn, Jr. Manuscript and Ephemera Collection. 287.
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