Content Posted in 2019
An Analysis of the Telegrapher Equation with a Bifurcation Parameter to Model Relativistic Diffusion, Hunter R. Wages
Early Settlers in the Carolina Dutch Fork, 1744-*1760, Elmer B. Hallman
Food Preferences Among Children at Arcadia Elementary School, Laurel Lee
Graphic Solidarity: The Internationalist Outlook of the Cuban Revolution, Katherine E. McCorkle
History of Wofford College: 1854-1949, David Duncan Wallace
Situating Social Sustainability on Spartanburg’s Northside: An Engaged Neighborhood Study of Community, History, and Place Making, Helen S. Seddelmeyer
The Antebellum Development of the Penitentiary Debate in South Carolina, Florence Gregorie Sloan
The Teszler Times, Melissa Clapp