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Nathaniel Beverley Tucker, an American author, legal scholar, and political essayist, writes to his sister Brooke, discussing his debt and loans from the bank, dated July 14th, 1843.


[recto] Jany 14th 1843. Thursday night My Dear Brooke Many thanks for your most acceptable and opportune letter this evening recd. I've not recovered from the gloom created by your previous one + I was at the time of its arrival in a terrible Dilemma about my concerns. The three hundred relieves me for a few days at least and any respite from the racking torture is thankfully hailed. The balance will help me out so that I may weather it until harvest_ but if the Bank would still unclutch to the tune of Eight hundred on the pledge of my stock I should be [regard?] harm_ for that would enable me to pay all my debts with the exception of [some?] that are not + will probably never press me if I should so to wish it_ Though I hope to pay by the 1st August to pay every cent I owe. The eight hundred dollars which I now aim to receive will pay Rutherford and a slap of his chops to boot_ and then if I could get the other negotiations of eight hundred on the stock it would pay every small debt + then my wheat crop would make me a “Captain Major” _ Now this is a very simple process if the Bank would only act honourably by me, to get entirely out of debt_ + if so sudden and Extrication would not deprive me of all reason, for my mind would be left unto me desolate, I give you my Bond + approved security that I’ll never be caught again. I am glad you were accomodated_ Try the Bank still + do what you can for I languish for one peaceful moment_ I send you the power of attorney to sell the stock because I think you had better keep it by you to provide for accidents_ though now of course there is no necessity for it and will not be I suppose. Its to the dividend_God be praised_ You must try and get it for me also, I have added it to the power of attorney_+ if the interlineation shd make any Difference you can show them this as corroboration. The other was prepared before yr letter arrived announcing the Divd. I have determined to wind up + go to the West_ I shall go either in Feby or May as Jane’s situation will not allow me to go in [verso] + return in any months between the two_ I must either go before in time to return by May or go in May after the affair. My aim is for a settlement in Missouri. I have determined not to remain here longer than this year at all Events: Indiana I find wont do to live in. Kiss Dear sweet Virginia for me_ I love her two dearly _+ who can help it? Also your sweet little Boys_ Mag runs about with great facility- but is not yet engender[?] thoughts distinguish between a plain and a descent_ for this evening she made no allowance a step before her and was a good deal worsted. She says most any thing you tell her when she chooses + Jane thinks she is the smartest thing alive_ + so would I but [?] Rutherford keeps my mind otherwise occupied with larger game[?]. God Almighty- Bless you my Dear Brooke + yours, forever + a day, + grant you a safe passage over the troubled sea of the present awful time is the hourly prayer of yr very sincerely attached friend + Brother [signed] Beverley Tucker

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Nathaniel Beverley Tucker, Beverley Tucker, Brooke Tucker, Brooke, Virginia Sarah Tucker Brooke, debt, loans, July 14 1843, 1843, Virginia Tucker, Rutherford

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April 2014

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Social History | United States History


Wofford College

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800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Letter from Beverley Tucker to his sister, Brooke, dated January 14, 1843.



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