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Letter of recommendation to the Secretary of the Navy, James Krike Paulding, regarding James Shepard Thornton of New Hampshire for the position of Midshipman, signed by members of the US Senate and House of Representatives from New Hampshire: Henry Hubbard, Franklin W. Pierce, C. G. Artherton, Jared W Williams, Ira A Eastman, Edward W Burke, and Tristham Shaw, 1840.


[recto] To the Hon. James K. Paulding Secretary of the Navy The undersigned beg leave earnestly to recommend Shepard Thornton of New Hampshire for appointment as Midshipman. He is the only son of Hon. James B. Thornton late of Merrimac in N.H. who was formerly 2 [symbol] degree Comptroller of the Treasury Department, & ^ who died at Lima in the public service, while Charge des Affaires at Peru. He is great grandson + the only surviving descendant in the male line of Matthew Thornton Signer of the Declaration of Independence. By the death of his father he is left without sufficient means of procuring an education, + his appointment will give great satisfaction to the citizens of New Hampshire who cherish a deep regard for his Ancestors. [signed] Henry Hubbard Fr. W. Pierce C.G. Atherton Jared W Williams Ira A Eastman Edmund Burke Tristram Shaw [annotation on verso docket by Paulding]

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James Shepard Thornton, James Krike Paulding, recommendation letter, Secretary of the Navy, Midshipman, Merrimac, New Hampshire, Matthew Thornton, James B Thornton, Henry Hubbard, Franklin Pierce, Charles Gordon Atherton, Jared W Williams, Ira A Eastman, Edward W burke, Tristham Shaw, 1840, senate, Peru, Lima

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Date Digital

April 2014

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Military History | Social History | United States History


Wofford College

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800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Letter of recommendation to James Kirke Paulding regarding James Shepard Thornton, signed by members of the U.S. Congressional delegation from New Hampshire. 1840.



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