"Anna Harrison letter, date unclear." by Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison



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A letter from Anna Harrison, the wife of 9th President William Harrison, to a "dear friend and cousin" about current status and well being of family relations. Harrison explains that she is thankful for her good health. Written from Northbend, Ohio.


[recto] ? Northbend Decb 24 My Dear Friend & Cousin, you will percieve by this letter that I am not at my old Homestead Before my Son left for Washington Himself & children were so anxious that I should come down to his farm & spend the Winter I could not refuse them so I came down in the Cars about one week before he left home. It was the first time I had ever been on them & I felt afraid-but it does not take more than ten[?] moments[?] to come here by the Cars. You will hardly believe me when I tell you I never travel on a steam boat_I feel intirely at Home My Grand Children try all in their power to make me happy. I ought to be thankfull that my health is quite comfortable for one of my age_ The family now consists of one grown up son two dau^gh^ters grown a young Lady who is [?] to she this youngest children & a girl &[?] a boy the youngest of the children one son & Daughter married one [?] school at Indianapolis in Indiana_I felt sad at learning of the death of Deacon Wells he was two years older than myself I do not know weather he was older than his sister Sally or not she was quite grown when I left but girls grow much faster than boys or rather they grow into company much [?]_ [verso] My daughter is now quite lovely as much so as any one can be with so many little children about them[?] or she has_ Her Husband is in Washington_ I am waiting my dear friend not very patiently for your likeness in only by hope it will come soon we are about entering on a New year & it almost seems that I can hear a voice saying this year though shall die or may I be truly foresaid whenever the summer comes. My kind love to Mrs Young tell her not to greive too much the death of my Dear William. He is much better & happier than ever he could be here. I saw in the news sent me the death of two children of a Mr Horton. Is it the one that wrote to me_ you can inform him that I never received his letter & hope he will write again. I shall be happy to receive one from him_ Do write soon & direct your letter to L Lawrenceburg Indiana_ I am much nearer there than at Cleves. My son has his letters sent there_ My kind love to Ms Reeve & all your children & many kisses for the grandchildren especially for Anna Harrison tell her for me that I expect she is a very good girl & is paying great attention to her studies_ I most sincerely wish you all a very happy New Year with every blessing love to all. My old friend, Ms Clark is gone we have all to die at last _ Adieu my dear may God bless you & yours [signed] A Harrison

Creation Date



North Bend






United States

Creator Life Dates



Anna Harrison, Northbend, Ohio

Resource Identifier


Date Digital

April 2014

Document Type



Social History | United States History

Format (medium)


Format (IMT)




Digitization Specifications

800ppi 24-bit depth color; Scanned with an Epson 15000 Photo scanner with Epson Scan software; Archival master is a TIFF; TIFFs converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.


The original from which this digital representation is taken is housed in The Littlejohn Collection at Wofford College, located in the Sandor Teszler Library.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Anna Harrison letter, date unclear.



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